I originally set up this web page to upload my fathers book onto the internet
so that I could add more details and clarify some points. I then thought that
perhaps I could just keep uploading a variety of information, links etc. that are relevant to the entire Mammon family. We can trace our roots back as far as 1750, and the stories in between are very interesting, especially the period from the Russian Revolution until my father, grandparents and uncle arrive in London,
after World War II. So read on, and feel free to contact me if you have more
to add, interesting anecdotes, links or just family photo's.
You canĀ email me, tony.mammon@yahoo.com, anything you want to add, or
facts that need correcting and as long as I can figure out how to add it, why not.
Throughout the book, you can click on highlighted names and
pictures for more details
My wife Shoshana has been an instrumental source of support. She is a beautiful and gifted woman who has made a tremendous difference in my life and has raised our three sons with good manners and respect. It is with her encouragement that I decided to put my memoirs into print.